Finding the right sports agent to take charge of your affairs as an athlete can be tricky & extremely difficult.
Often, people blindly ask around & hope they can find an agent who can help them achieve their dreams at the next level. However, choosing an agent can more or less determine what an athletes carry will be and where they end up and therefore it is important that the decision of choosing an agent is taken with the uttermost care.
Looking ahead, I think the way that athlete’s find a suitable agent will change, but in the meantime here are 5 key things that athletes should look for when trying to find agent representation:
Hard Work
I mean if you don’t have an agent who is willing to work hard for you – then getting a job playing somewhere is completely out of the question.
The sports industry is a very cutthroat industry so the first thing that has to come into play is an agent’s ability to outwork the competition. They have to not only be capable of working longer but also be willing to work more, make more calls, send more emails & do whatever it takes to put you in a position to win.
Is your agent honest and realistic with you about where they see you playing? Are they being upfront with you about the options on the table and can you truly trust them?
While you might not know the answers to these questions off the back, it won’t take you long to see the deceitfulness if any exists. There has been plenty of stories where an agent had promised a player they would get them into a club, but shortly afterwards the player would find out that they the agent does not even have any contacts in the said club.
There has also been cases of agents give players or athletes the runaround for weeks and in some cases, months.
Most agents in the industry have great intentions but some try to do everything possible to keep an athlete on their roster because it casts a wider net for them to make more money.
When looking for an agent, try not to approach the player-agent relationship with cynicism, but pay attention to signs & red flags. If you sense any dishonesty – it’s time to walk away.
When doing your research or prospecting agents in your sport, make sure you cover all your bases. This includes their history & past dealings.
Most agents have some sort of track record that you can find online. If not, ask around. Set up calls. Talk to other players or athletes to see if they know about them or their experience with them.
Also, reach out to coaches to see what they think or know. The truth is that the sports world is very small. If someone you know hasn’t heard of an agent before, they could be new to the game or that might be a bad sign.
There’s nothing wrong with giving a new agent a chance to show what they got, but working with an agent that has a bad history & reputation can be detrimental for your career long-term.
Just make sure you practice due diligence & get all the information you need before you sign the dotted line.
In my opinion, one of the greatest things about having an agent is your ability to call on someone whenever you need them. Being an agent is about being there for your clients 100% of the time.
Does your agent do this for you?
Can you call your agent at all hours of the night (Not that you should do this, but it’s good to know that you can)?
Having an agent that’s readily accessible & able to communicate with you quickly, can make a huge difference in your career. You always want an agent who’s going to be there for you through thick & thin, because those type of moments will undoubtedly happen at some point in your career.
Last but not least, your agent has to have the utmost belief in your ability to be successful on & off the playing field.
When you enter an agreement with an agent, it should automatically be more than just a business relationship. You’re putting belief in them that they can get the job done. They’re putting belief in your game & ability to be an outstanding role model off the playing field.
That type of connection in the sports world is powerful.
At the end of the day, an agent is supposed to have a foundational belief in you as an individual & should want to see you succeed in all facets of life and you should have the same feelings toward them.
Finding the right agent is challenging even for the most talented players and athletes, however with the right information at hand and your homework well done, you can always find the best representation to take your career to great heights.
If you didn’t have the best experience with an agent, but they tried their best to live up to these 5 principles, don’t speak behind their back. Sometimes things won’t go as planned in your career, but you can always do the right thing & walk away from a relationship with grace & class.
The sports world can be a whirlwind for any player or athlete to navigate, but don’t just go through it. Go through it learning what you need to learn, and more importantly, be in complete control of your career.
When it’s all said & done, be sure that you can say you took full responsibility for your career & made it the best that it could be with the right support mechanisms available to you.